Monday, 10 March 2014


Zambia’s tourism sector is currently one of the country’s growth potential areas. It has been given the non-traditional export status and is receiving a lot of support from the Government by way of infrastructure development, promotion of increased private sector participation, as well as attractive tax incentives for all investments in the sector.
Zambia’s tourism potential draws from its natural environment, from which abound a variety of tourism attractions. The main tourism attractions in the country include; the Victoria Falls (which is one of the most renowned beautiful transcendental Seven Natural Wonders of the World), and the wealth of wildlife spread out in the country’s 19 national parks and 34 game management areas with a total area of 65,000 km2. Furthermore the country boasts of vast waterfalls, lakes and rivers, one of the largest concentrations of bird species in the world, a rich cultural heritage and several monuments spread across the country. It is against this background many people have entered in tourism related business while trying to conserve natural resources and improving social economic activities in the country. 
Ecoturism trail
Considering Ecotourism
Ecotourism is a travel activity that ensures direct financial support to local people where tourism activities are being generated and enjoyed. It teaches travellers to respect local cultures of destinations where travellers are visiting. It supports small stakeholders to ensure that money must not go out from the local economies. It discourages mass tourism, mass constructions of hotels, tourism resorts and mass activities in fragile areas". For many countries, ecotourism is not simply a marginal activity to finance protection of the environment, but is a major industry of the national economy.
Natural resource management can be utilized as a specialized tool for the development of ecotourism. There are several places throughout the world where the amount of natural resources are abundant. But, with human encroachment and habitats these resources are depleting. Without knowing the proper utilization of certain resources they are destroyed and floral and faunal species are becoming extinct. Ecotourism programs can be introduced for the conservation of these resources. Several plans and proper management programs can be introduced so that these resources remain untouched.
Though there are problems experienced, in general the ecotourism market appears to be producing sound environmental and socio-economic benefits as per the objectives of any individual ecotourism venture. Ecotourism guarantees maintenance of environmental integrity by utilizing Natural Resource Management as a specialized tool for its development. The first positive impact is that successful ecotourism ventures generally result in the formation of parks or natural protected areas within the host community. This is important in many ways to the community as it is the first aids in the environmental protection of the area; and it generates financial revenue through entrance fees, donations and government support and it provides valuable jobs that add to the social and economic structure of the host community.
Therefore, the introduction of national parks and protected areas as one of ecotourism objectives benefit these locations ecologically, and by providing conservation incentives to the community adjacent to the area help in preserving the integrity of wildlife. There are several places throughout the country where the amount of natural resources are abundant. But, with human encroachment and habitats distraction they are destroyed and floral and faunal species are becoming extinct. This is countered by the introduction of ecotourism programs for the conservation of host areas’ resources. Through several ecotourism plans and proper management programs, the negative impacts are countered and consequently environmental pristine beauty restored.

Job Creation through Ecotourism
Job creation is also one of the positive impacts of ecotourism which includes direct and indirect employment opportunities. The first direct employment opportunity as jobs within the park or protected areas. Although these jobs are relatively few, they are an important economic contributor to the community. In this way ecotourism contributes to sustainable development in involved community also point out however that while some jobs are being created for the tourism industry, many occupations and resources (such as hunting and agriculture) are taken away due to the formation of national parks and protected areas. Local people have become employed as national park tour guides, campground operators, and craft and food producers, and through these initiatives have produced successful community development projects such as clinics, schools, and water sources. Since sustainable tourism is the priority of ecotourism, it does not only return financial benefits to the local people, however, it also returns to the environment of the region as much as it removes when Eco-tourists visit a remote pristine location. The latter is achieved by supporting environmentally-conscious projects. Eco-tourists are more affluent than the average tourist and have more leisure time, they are willing to pay more money for services and products in order to get a natural experience and support environmentally-conscious projects. Eco-tourists are indeed improving the livelihoods of involved communities and as a consequence invoking a sense of belonging in the affected people. 
Local community can be hired as guides

Community Empowerment
Another positive impact of ecotourism is the opportunity for community empowerment. Examines the prospect of community empowerment and argues that there are four levels of empowerment that may be achieved through successful community-based ecotourism ventures: psychological, social, political, and economic. In essence, each level of empowerment is meant to be long-lasting, not seasonal, and is designed to support a community's well-being and future mental and physical health. Community participation is vital to any successful ecotourism project and this very active participation ensures that local residents are a part of the plan, having the final say in what their community needs and wants. Without active participation and equal distribution of profit, a project is destined to fail because the residents will not care enough or know enough about it. However, empowering the people to cast their interests gives them a sense of belonging and this makes it difficult to get back at the policies they advocated for. Through winning the backing of the community for environmentally-conscious policies, ecotourism plays an important role in preserving the environment.
Scenic communities around the world -Zambia inclusive- face a dilemma: Tourism had has brought in much-needed cash to economies, but unrestrained tourism is a source of much environmental degradation ultimately ecological damage. Ecotourism, just as sustainable tourism, helps solve this dilemma by encouraging conscious and environmentally aware travel. Ecotourism aims to provide a way for travellers to visit even fragile or protected environments in a way that does little lasting damage. Ecotourism operators are concerned with the sensitivity of the ecosystem thus are offering solutions so as to reduce the harm that is done to the environment but at the same time provides tourists with enjoyment as well.
In summary, ecotourism seeks to provide a traveller with an enriching, educational experience in return for his aid in conserving and protecting the delicate environment of the region, economically benefiting local peoples, and contributing to sustainable development in the region or country. Ecotourism has benefited rural people in various locations adjacent to protected areas through both its direct and indirect employment. Therefore imperative to note that carefully planned ecotourism projects will be an invaluable environmental safeguard as well as an important opportunity for community-based development. Based on the literature reviewed for this paper, I would have to conclude that ecotourism is a valuable contributor to sustainable community development. However, it is as well evident that the ecotourism has not solely yielded social-economic and environment positive results in host locations. Social-economically and environmentally, there have been sure downsides to ecotourism in Zambia, and this could be attributed to the fact that there has not been strong commitment and adherence to the goals and objectives of ecotourism by the community and government.

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