Monday, 24 March 2014


Deforestation is the cutting down of trees which directly affects the environment hence having less pure air or oxygen to breath as trees serve to clean air by taking in CO2 (carbon dioxide) and releasing O2 (oxygen) and depriving other organism of food and homes.
Example of deforestation
Every minute about fifty acres of rain forest are destroyed and some twenty-five species become extinct across the continent. Deforestation is the process of converting forested land into non-forest sites that are ideal for crop raising, urbanization and industrialization. Deforestation is a serious concept and it has serious effects to the surroundings. Looming consequences such as loss of various forms of life that inhabit the planet, of the earth's estimated 10 million species of animals and plants, 300,000 have vanished in the past 50 years. each years, 3,000 to 30,000 species become extinct. Destruction of forest-based-societies and climatic disruption are eminent dangers which all of us need to acknowledge.
 What drives humans to deplete this precious ecosystem? The causes of rapid tropical deforestation are many and often interconnected. The unprecedented increase in human population during recent years has brought excessive land under agriculture, housing, roads, industries etc, and increased biotic pressure on native forests. The uncontrolled felling and lopping of trees for firewood and leaf fodder, firing of ground vegetation for domestication of animals, livestock grazing and harvesting of ground vegetation for forage are some of the factors responsible for the exploitation of forests and emergence of disturbed forests. 

Why should anyone care if some plants, animals, mushrooms, and microorganisms perish? Continuous efforts are being made by some of us anxious animal lovers to protect the endangered species of wildlife as well as those that are on the verge of extinction and thus save the world from running out its green heritage. To promote wildlife awareness among people, the Indian government has started various natural projects and programs such as Project Tiger, Nature Camps and Jungle Lodges. These projects not only help to preserve our natural heritage, but encourage eco-tourism as well. This can also be done in Zambia “The real Africa”

Deforestation has much economic importance but the bad effect is that the effect of deforestation on environment can cause floods, fertility of the soil can reduce, can lead to soil erosion, desertification, it exposes the bush to burning, it destroys the soil structure, it contributes to global warming by removing the carbon sinks (trees) that absorb CO2 from the atmosphere.
The water cycle can be disturbed which results in drought and there will be disturbance in nature and there cannot be any shelter for any organisms .It leads to loss or extinction of wild life, i.e.; extinction of plants and animals. 

Every tree is home to at least 100 (different) animals. Compare that to YOUR neighborhood, as far as how devastating it would be to lose 100 homes in the name of progress. Then waste SEVENTY PERCENT of what you just wiped out because it's just not profitable to use EVERY resource. The waste has to go somewhere. The 'neighborhood' will take 100 years to get back to where it was the day before you destroyed it. There will be a great wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Wildlife is important for four main reasons:

  • Animals help in balancing our ecosystem, food chain and acts as a food for us. So, it is really a shame for us to destroy their habitat.
  • By their unique way of existence, wild creatures enhance the natural beauty of the earth.
  • The financial value of wild species is important to the economies of several nations, as it provides many valuable substances like wood and other plant products, fibers, meat and other foods, and skins and furs.
  • Wildlife helps in maintaining the balanced living systems of earth, which consequently ensures survival of life.

Furthermore, some reasons why animals are being wiped out, in the forests are:
The hunting of exotic species for the consumer market only about 10% of the animals caught survive the hunting of animals for food by settlers  forest fires, that have started because of slash and burning of forest ,to clear the land for farming, had gotten out of control the loss of Habitat because the conditions have changed ,e.g less humidity because of surrounding farmlands ,or over pumping of rivers for human use (farming and utility) because of contamination of the waters, expanding populations and expanding farming ,that has to keep pace with the expanding populations are very strong forces that encroach upon the rainforest's clearing them for farming and settlement areas 


In summary, Deforestation should be ceased as over the longer term, deforestation of tropical rainforests can have a broader impact, affecting global climate and biodiversity. These changes are more difficult to observe and forecast from local effects, since they take place over a longer time scale and can be difficult to measure.

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