Monday, 10 March 2014


Birds are well known and widespread in Zambia. Birds like any other organism will coexist with other organisms. However, if an area holds endemic or rare birds it is most likely that a comparable collection of other organisms exists in that particular habitat. This makes birds to be providers of scientific baseline data.
Worldwide important bird areas IBA are founded on the internationally agreed categories based on the ornithological criterion. A brief description of these is as bellow. 

Under this category an area or site is selected to be an important bird area because it holds significant number of a globally threatened species of global conservation concern.

Areas or sites identified under this category belong to places where two or more species of birds have a restricted home range (an area where an organism is able to carry out all its activities for survival and reproduction)

A biome can be explained as a major regional ecological community comprised of a distinctive animal and plant life. Hence biome restricted sites holds an important component of a group of species whose distributions are largely/ wholly restricted to one biome. However, biome endemics are species whose entire (global) breeding distribution is restricted within the biome. 

This category is applicable to species that are thought to be vulnerable at population levels, to the destruction or degradation of sites by virtue of their congregatory behavior at any stage of their life- cycle.
Based on these criteria all important bird areas in Zambia are described. We shall begin with the Copperbelt province until we go around the country discussing the know bird areas.

Imanda is an important bird area in Zambia located in Mpongwe district of the Copperbelt provinces of is positioned between 13°29’S and 27°56’E with about  an area covering 1000ha.
The site is not protected any firm or organization, if any protection is existing currently then job well done to the concerned parties. This makes the site vulnerable to exploitation which may result in altering the ecological set up the site consequently affecting the bird life as well as other species.
Imanda bird area is categorized under the category biome restricted species.
This site is about 25km west of Mpongwe and south of St. Anthony’s mission. The site is partly surrounded by a large dambo and small villages characterized by cultivation activities. There is a forest at the site which is characterized with moist evergreen trees. The other patch is of Imanda bird area is the north-east of the Bilima River which poorly developed. 

It is well known for Margaret’s batis which is fairly distributed and common at this site. (More on Batis birds on know your birds). Other species found here are: Lady Ross’ Turaco, Cinnamon Dove, Eastern Least Horney guide, Olive Woodpecker, purple-throated cuckoo-shrike, Bocages Robin, Evergreen forest warbler. Other species include the Hawk Eagle, and crowned eagle.

The picture shows a mature male Batis margaritae

Now if this site covering such a beautiful area with a variety of the species and many more species yet to be documented is not protected, the site will be degraded due to unsustainable usage of the natural resources that exist in this area. Such unsustainable harvesting of resources may include poaching, firewood collection, charcoal burning as well as encroachment which will come along with additional human activities such as agricultural practices which will affect negatively the ecosystem of this area.
How wonderful it will be if  this area/ site is protected/conserved  from destruction so that every Zambian and tourists can walk into this beautiful bird site and watch these creatures and many other things at any time of the day and in the future. This starts with us and the legacy can be passed on unto the future generations. YES YOU CAN AND I CAN, TOGETHER WE CAN ACHIEVE THIS.
Let’s unite our knowledge of conservation and lead by example. Colleagues from the Forestry department, wildlife scientist and other parties with the interest of conservation at heart lets spear head it and conserve nature.
If you can visit this place this will be beautiful thing, and we would like to lean of what would be your experience and suggestions about how the site can be improved. “WILDLIFE AND US, WE COEXIST.”
If you know of any place where a spectacular congregation of Birds other species are, do something before that area is ignorantly destroyed. Let us sensitize our people about conservation in a way that they can understand and appreciate nature. Check out for more bird areas of Zambia in the next article as we go to Chingola for another IBA. 

Share with us your experiences, comments and recommendations. Send emails to

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